Tuesday, May 26, 2015

College Experience: First Day!

Hello all! I hope you are doing well. I'm still fighting my reading slump, but I'm here to talk about college experiences today!

Today, I started my very first college class. It's called Effective Speaking. The great part about this class is that there isn't going to be any tests or quizzes. :D But, the teacher did say, as a disclaimer, that there may be a pop quiz if the class isn't understanding something completely. I totally understand and respect that.

There's a total of ten students in the class (because it's a summer course), but only six of us showed up today. She straight up told us that those kids got are starting out with a zero. Sucks for them. We learned a little bit about what the class will entail, I can post a picture of my notes, if you would like. (I'll probably have them on my instagram anyway, so check there.)

We actually presented for the first time today as well. You should have seen some of the looks on my classmates' faces. But, I think everybody did a great job. She said we would be graded on it, but nobody has ever failed the first presentation. We basically introduced ourselves to the class. It was a lot easier than I expected.

My college, as I've mentioned in a previous post, has a lot of non-traditional students. So, as one would suspect, I was the youngest one there, being still in High School. But, there was one familiar face, which made me happy. At least, I'm pretty sure it's the same person. People change so much between fifth grade bus rides and college. ;)

Anyway, I was surprised at how much we jammed into the class. And it didn't seem to take forever and a day either. I was so intrigued, that I was actually surprised when the class was over. I'm excited to go back on Thursday!!!

I think the only other thing I want to say is that I'm expecting my #Sorcerer'sSatchel in the mail today. Check my Insta for a picture of how the finish product turned out! I got it from the etsy shop fanfash. I can't wait to see it!!

Well, that's it for today! I hope you're having a great day and I'll Type at you later!


Friday, May 22, 2015

Reading Slump and End of the School Year!

Hello all! I regret to inform you that I have fallen into a reading slump. With reading being one of my favorite hobbies, this is one of the most awful feelings in the world. To help me get out of my slump, I've been listening to audiobooks and reading John Green (Paper Towns, FTW!).

Anyway, I'm also at the tail end of my Senior Year of High School so I've got a butt ton of things to do. I graduate in 22 days and counting. But, because I am on homebound, my finals are going to be a little bit different. Basically, my final grade is going to be the average of all of my Test grades in some classes and then a modified final in others. Interestingly enough, I'll have only two finals that I actually write out this year. So, I'm not too stressed. But, I'm starting to get sad that my High School career is ending. But, I'm starting college before I even Graduate! I start college at a local satellite campus of a "pre-collage" (<- not sure why it's called this, because it is an actual college). It's about a 20/25 minute drive from my house, so I'm going to commute. And I'll live at home for the next two years, and won't have to live off of Ramen Noodles. :D

But, the cool thing about all of this is that I'll be able to go to any of the events on the main campus, because that's not too far away either (about an hour and a half drive, round trip). I'm really excited to get started on this new adventure. When people say that they are starting a new chapter in their life, I say I'm starting a whole new book. I say this because I've been through a lot of stuff in my short, eighteen-year old life. I'm not going to get into that here, because I'm not comfortable with putting that online, just yet. Maybe after college. I'll keep you updated.

Anyway, I'm taking an Effective Speaking course starting on Tuesday. The nice thing about this is that the admissions counselor that I've been working with is going to be the teacher. I really like how the school is set up. Not all of the teachers are "professors". Most are lay-people. They also have about a 50/50 population of traditional and non-traditional students. I feel like this is going to be a good thing for me, especially because I seem to get along with adults rather than kids my own age.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to starting class on Tuesday. I have my bag packed already. ;) I'm sure that it will be a great experience and I'll blog about it when I get home.

But, here's where it gets crazy. I'll have to have a real schedule for the first time in a while. I'm going to have things that I can't move around, so I'll have to schedule things around them. I don't know how well I'll be at this. But, I feel like I'm a pretty good organizer, so I'll have things in order. I hope. But, I'm staying positive. :)

I think that's all I have to say for now. If not, I'll edit this post and highlight where the edits are!

Type at you later!


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bout of Books: Day 5: Update

Hello all! I hope your reading journeys are going well!

Yesterday, I managed to get some reading done. I read about 100 pages in Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout and got to Chapter 7 in The Raven Boys audiobook  (I don't know how many pages that is because I don't have a physical copy!).

Anyway, today I have some things to do, so I won't get around to reading until later. Wishing you good luck as the read a thon is coming to an end!

Type at you later!


Friday, May 15, 2015

Bout of Books: Day 4: Update

Hello all! I hope your reading is going well! I think I over estimated what I had planned for this week. I've not made a lot of progress since yesterday. I managed to read another two chapters in Onyx... Oh well. But, I don't have a lot to do today, so I hope to catch up with reading today!

Happy Reading!

Type at you later!


Thursday, May 14, 2015

College Experience: Scheduling First Semester Classes

Hello everybody!

I know this is a book blog, but I wanted to document my college experience on here as well. I hope you don't mind.

Anyway, I am in my Senior Year of High School and I have officially declared Senioritus! There's 29 days (including weekends) before I graduate and get thrown out into the real world. But, with that being said, I love learning new things. I am actually starting college classes before I even graduate!

Now, if you're wondering how this is possible, the simplest way for me to explain is that I am homeschooled. So, I will be able to take classes and get acclimated to my college campus before I officially start in August. I have signed up to take three classes over the course of the summer. They are only four week classes that meet twice a week. The summer "semester" is broken up into two sessions. For the first session, I'm taking an effective speaking class. I'm super excited for this one because it's my first official college class. And the advisor that I've been working with is actually going to be teaching that class, so I'l have a familiar face to look forward to.

In the second summer session, I'm taking a writing course and a math course. I've decided to take these courses to get them out of the way. Math is not really my forte so, I figured that I would take it while Math was still fresh in my head and then not have to worry about it for the rest of my college career. Those two classes are the same way. They each meet twice a week (on different days) for about three and a half hours.

As for the fall, I'm going to be a full-time commuter. The college that I've chosen has a satellite facility about 15 minutes away from my house, and that's where I'm going to be studying. I'm scheduled for thirteen credits (that's about five classes) and have Fridays off. :) I'm really looking forward to having three day weekends.

As for the classes that I'm going to take? Well, I've decided to be an Education major (later on in my career, I also want to major in Early Childhood Development and minor in business and psychology), so I have two education based classes that I'm going to take, as well as an Ethics course and a Philosophy course. I also have to take "Freshman Experience", but that's only one credit.

I'm also going into my college career with three credits from a dual-enrollment Psychology course that I am currently, as a High School student, taking. So, by the time my first semester is over, I will have 25 credits towards my major. Wow, I hadn't realized that.

Anyway, my ultimate goal with my life is to start a Montesouri School in my town. But, that's a way down the road. What are your plans, if you're going into college? Or, if you are in college, what are you majoring in? Do you have any advice for an incoming freshman? What's the best part about a small campus? Let me know in the comments below.

I hope you enjoyed this post, and wish you luck as we continue on into the end of the Bout of Books Read a Thon.

I hope everyone has an amazing day!

Type at you later!


Bout of Books: Day 4: Challenge

Hello all (for my third post of the day!).

I am participating in the Day 5 Challenge for Bout of Books 13.0. Our challenge today is to give a book we believe will be a classic in 100 years and give two reasons why.

My choice for a modern book that I think will be a classic will always be Harry Potter. But, we have to pick a book published after 2005, and I don't think Harry Potter qualifies for that one. The book I've chosen is Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman.

Here's why:

In 100 years, I believe that our prison systems will be totally different than they are now. This will be a classic because historians will use this book to see how prison systems were "back in the day". It will be taught to kids in high schools, so they know what crime was like in our day and how they can avoid it.

Well, that's my entry. I hope you enjoyed!

Type at you later!


Bout of Books: Day 3: Challenge

Hello all!

I'm so upset that I missed yesterday's challenge. I loved this one!!! But, I wanted to share with you the Haiku that I wrote anyway!

Obsidian Blade,
Daemon, Dee, Kat, Arum,
I will defeat thee.

I hope you enjoyed! :)


Type at you later!


Bout of Books 13.0: Days 2 & 3 Updates

Hello all!

I hope your reading is going well. I can't say that mine is going at the pace I expected, but it's going okay for now.

Anyway, over the last two days, I have managed to finish Obsidian and start Onyx. I'm only on chapter two of Onyx, but the ending of Obsidian! Holy cow! I'll let you know more about today in tomorrow's post (I'm done with school for the week, but have some homework to catch up on!). I hope to read a little bit more tomorrow than I have for the past few days.

Keep your eye out for several other posts coming your way today!

Type at you later!


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bout of Books Challenge: Day 2: Character Face Off!

Hello, all! I hope you are having a fine reading day. I haven't got much read today because I was focused on homework for most of the day and will probably be the same way for tomorrow. But, I want to try listening to an audiobook while I do my homework. That could work, right?

Anyway, here is the Day 2 Challenge for Bout of Books!

Character Face Off:

Opponent 1: Harry Potter
Who: Wizard, Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived
Cons: Big headed, impractical, relys too much on help
Pros: Bad ass (I mean, he defeated the Dark Lord, for crying out loud), Sassy and snarky, isn't afraid of a fight

Opponent 2: Daemon Black
Who: Luxen
Cons: Arrogant, always seems to be angry at something or another, big headed
Pros: Isn't afraid of a fight, sexy, he doesn't sparkle ;)

Winner: Harry Potter

This was actually a tough one because Daemon is my new love, but Harry will always have my heart. Anyway, I picked Harry because of how he feels for his friends and their families. He has to take on this dark force practically by himself, and he doesn't ever seem to be afraid. Even though he relies on help a lot of the time, it's just for practice. When it comes to the "real thing" he does it by himself. I think that is an admirable trait in anyone, character or not. He tries to leave his friends out of the war because he fears for their safety, but not only does that fail, they turn out to be some of the most important people in his life. :)

Type at you later!


3 AM Bout of Books Day 1 Update

Hello blogisphere! It is currently 3 o'clock in the morning and I can't sleep. Yey.......

Anyway, I thought I would take this time to update y'all on my reading progress for day 1 of the Bout of Books 13.0 Read a Thon. (Also, I'm sorry if there is a gazillion typos, or I don't make sense. It's 3 AM.... )

Day 1: Monday, May 11, 2015

Book Read: Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Pages Read: 236

I think this page count is really good for today, (err.... yesterday).

This book sucked me in so fast that I almost got whiplash. But, as I got further into the story, it reminded me a lot of Twilight. But, was this the one that started out as a Twilight fan-fiction? I'm not sure. Ask me in the morning.

Anyway, my goals for Day 2 (Tuesday May 12):

Finish Obsidian and start Onyx.
Start Audiobook of The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefater

This second one is a new goal, as I was browsing Overdrive and this book was available. :)

Anyway, I'm going to try to get some shut-eye. Wish me luck!

But, before I go, how was your reading day??

Type at you later!


Monday, May 11, 2015

Bout of Books Challenge: Day One: Bookish Survey

Hello all! I hope this finds you well and hope you have been reading a good book. The Lux series has sucked me in so fast I almost got whiplash! Anyway, for today's challenge, we are to complete a bookish survey! So, here I go!

1. How do you organize your shelves?

My shelves are organized very haphazardly. I keep all books in a series together, but that's where understandable organization ends. I have a fun idea for a post all about my bookshelf organization, so stay tuned for that.... :)

2. What is one of your favorite books that is not in your favorite genre?

Contemporary isn't one of my favorite genres (which is Fantasy... ;)), but I fell head over heals in love with Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Who hasn't?

3. What is the last book you rated five stars?

*Goes to GoodReads to check*
Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick ;)

4. What are you most excited to read during the Read-A-Thon?

The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. :D

And lastly,

5. What book do you recommend most?

This is a tough one. But, I think the one I would recommend is Cinderella's Dress by Shonna Slayton. It's different than you'd think it is. It's actually NOT a Cinderella retelling. I know, interesting right?

Okay, I'm going to quick link this up and get back to reading. Daemon Black is calling my name! ;)

Type at cha later!


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day Recap

Hello all! I hope you had a great day! I thought I would do a more "traditional" blog post recapping my day with my mom, god-mother, and two aunts on my uncle's side. As well as my three uncles, dad, godfather, and brother. :)

Well, this morning when we woke up, we gave mom her present which was a beautiful potted fuchsia plant. She loved it. Well, actually, mom picked it out for herself. It worked okay this way because we were super busy this past week and couldn't get her a present until this morning. I felt kinda bad, but she really enjoyed the plant.

Then, we kind of hung out for a little while. We watched Rent and ate lunch. Then we had a delicious popcorn cake. (It's basically a rice krispie recipe, but with popcorn instead of rice krispies and then add candy and pretzels. It's really good.) :) Then, mom took a nap and I worked on editing some pictures from my Senior Portraits photo shoot yesterday. I'll probably have a video up on my YouTube channel soon. I'll leave a link when I get it posted.

Then, (I feel like I'm using "then" a lot, anyway,) we had to get ready for our dinner. We went over to my godmother's house for hamburgers and hotdogs. We also had a most delicious chocolate/peanut butter trifle. Then we had a chance to just sit down and chat and catch up with everybody. It was a really nice evening. It's only around 7 pm right now, but I have a chance to type this up now.

I hope you all had a great Mother's Day with your mommies or mommie fill ins. :D

Type at you later!


Happy Mother's Day!!!!!

Hello all! I just want to wish all the mommies out there a very Happy and Blessed Mother's Day! I hope you enjoy yourself and get pampered the way you deserve!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Bout of Books 13.0!

Hello all! I hope you are doing well. I am doing okay. I have had the staples removed from my incisions on Thursday, but I'm still having pain because, the way I understand it, is that they had to got through muscle to get to my appendix and so they had to stitch it closed and the pull from the stitch is causing the pain. It should go away in two to four more weeks, when the stitch either dissolves or pops. Yey.......

Anyway, the Bout of Books 13.0 starts on Monday! I have a pretty mellow week, so I'm hoping to get a fair bit of reading done. If you haven't noticed, I've posted the BoB button on the homepage, so that will get you right to the BoB blog. But, if you want some more information, check this out:

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 11th and runs through Sunday, May 17th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 13 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

I'm guessing you want to know what I'm going to be reading and my goals, don'tcha?? Well, here they are.

My goal is to read 150-200 pages per each of the days.
My TBR is the entire LUX series by Jennifer L. Arementrout
If I finish that, I want to pick up The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown

I will be posting my page count each day on my TwitterGoodReads, and Instagram. And of course, here on the blog as well! (Feel free to friend/follow me on any of these sites! ;))

I hope you all will be joining in! I will also be participating in #RYBSAT or Read Your Bookshelf-A-Thon which takes place next week. I will have a separate post up for my TBR for that one! 

For now, that's it.

I'll type at you later!


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Recent Reads, Top 5 Wednesday, and Appendix Update!

Hello all! I hope you are doing well! I am doing okay, I get my staples out tomorrow and I'm super excited! I still have a little bit of pain, but it's easier to move around and do things for myself.

Anyway, I've been reading a lot of Alex Flinn's shorter novels. Let me tell you, they are very dramatic! But, they have trigger warnings. I can't believe how much she can pack into a 200 page novel. They are really good. I've given all of the ones I've read so far four out of five stars. If you want,  I can do a more in-depth review of the novels or even a spoilerey book talk. Let me know.

Okay, it's been a while since I did my last Top 5 Wednesday. I wanted to do this week because it's Top 5 Books you want to see made into a TV series. I had a little bit of trouble with this one, but I've decided on a few. Here they are:

1. Harry Potter Series
2. Uglies Series (Even though I've only read one... ;))
3. Beautiful Creatures Series
4. Wicked
5. Fannie Farmer Cookbook

Okay, let me explain the last one. I think this would make an awesome cooking show! :P


Type at you later!
