Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday Reads, Dewey's 24-Hour Read-A-Thon & Appendicitis!

Hello all! Tomorrow is the Dewey's 24-Hour Read-A-Thon and I will be participating in as much of it as I can! I'm not going to even attempt to read for the complete 24 hours, however. Why, you may ask? Yesterday, I had the pleasure of having my appendix out! Now, recovery may be the perfect time to get some reading done, and believe me, I have (I've finished two books in the past few days!). However, when it's time for my pain medicine, I zonk out for a few hours and can't concentrate on a book. I might invest in an audio book for this RAT, but I'm not sure yet.

Anyway, what am I planning on reading this weekend? I think I've decided on two books. I've already started Deadly Little Sins by Kara Taylor. It's the third in a trilogy (I think, but don't quote me on that.) called Prep School Confidential. The trilogy is pretty good. :)

The second book I'm planning on reading is Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman. I'm obsessed with the Netflix series, so to prepare for the new season coming out, I though I would read the book! I'll let you know what I think of it!

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. I'm not going to have a end of the week/beginning of the week update up again. I'm just going to take some time for some good ole fashioned R&R. I'll have an update up for you soon however!

Type at you later!


P.S. You can find all of the Dewey's RAT info here!


  1. Oh, wow, appendicitis! Glad you're well on the road to recovery! I listened to Orange is the New Black on audio (after becoming obsessed with the Netflix series). I enjoy seeing how books are transformed into TV/movies. Happy reading tomorrow! I'm only reading for about 4 hours due to prior plans.

    1. Thanks! I'm recovering quite nicely! Sorry I only got back to your comment now. Still figuring out how how to do this whole "blogging" thing! :)

  2. Wishing you GOOD LUCK and LOADS of fun readathonning! I hope you feel up to it - having your appendix out is not a small feat EEKS. Even without such a good excuse I already know I won't be participating for the full stretch: I just never manage to do so. BTW you can subscribe to and get your first audio book for free. Just remember to unsub directly after you've chosen your book because the next month you'll have to pay... (I forgot, which was dumb).

    1. Thanks! I actually didn't get much reading done due to the fact that I was sleeping off meds most of the day! ;) That's a good tip for audible! I'll have to try that out! Also, sorry I'm just getting back to your comment! Still figuring out this whole "blogging" thing!

  3. I hope that you are starting to feel better today! I also hope that you are having lots of fun today with the read-a-thon! Happy Reading!


    1. Thanks! Only starting to feel better after three weeks of pain! :( But, I've got a lot of reading done in that time! Sorry I'm only getting back to your comment now! Still trying to figure out this whole "blogging" thing! :)

  4. Get better and enjoy your books.

    1. Thanks! Finally starting to feel better! Sorry I'm only getting back to your comment now. Still figuring out this whole "blogging" thing!

  5. Oh my goodness, I hope you're feeling better!

    1. Finally starting to after three weeks! Sorry I'm just getting back to your comment now, still figuring out this whole "blogging" thing!

  6. Oh my, appendicitis! I hope you are feeling better now, just don't stretch yourself too much with the readathon.


    1. Thanks! I didn't actually read that much due to the fact that I spent most of the day sleeping off medicine! Sorry I'm just getting back to your comment now! Still new to the whole "blogging" world!
