I was lucky enough to receive a few books for Easter from the Easter Bunny and my Aunt. I thought I would share the ones I got with you.
First off, from my Aunt I received two John Green books. I got Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns.
Then, from the Easter Bunny, I was lucky enough to get four books and a few makeup items.
The first book I got was the Maze Runner by James Dashner. I've heard mixed things about this, but I'm still excited to read it and to find out what the story is all about.
The next book that I got was Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman. I'm so excited to read this. I love the Netflix series and I can't wait for the show to come back on. I think I'm going to pick this up next, but I'm not sure.
The last book I got, I'm so super duper excited for. I got City of Glass by Cassandra Clare. And this means, I'VE FINALLY FINISHED THE SHADOW HUNTER CHRONICLES SERIES!!!!! I'm so excited. I want to marathon the entire series eventually, but I'm just excited I've gotten this book!
I got one more bookish item. I got a bookmark from Books A Million that says, "Let Go and Let God". This is one of my favorite quotes. I'm going to try to find a picture somewhere. But if I can't, I'll post a picture from my phone.
The last thing I got for Easter was some makeup from E.L.F. cosmetics. I got one of their new smudge pots in Ain't That Sweet, a lipstick in Flirty and Fabulous, and a new liquid eyeliner in Jet Black
. I love the E.L.F. cosmetics liquid eyeliner and I've had mine for quite a while and I needed a new one. So, I was excited to find one in my easter basket. 

I hope you all had a great Easter if you celebrate and I'll have a beginning of the week update up tomorrow.
Type at you later!
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