Hello everybody!
I know this is a book blog, but I wanted to document my college experience on here as well. I hope you don't mind.
Anyway, I am in my Senior Year of High School and I have officially declared Senioritus! There's 29 days (including weekends) before I graduate and get thrown out into the real world. But, with that being said, I love learning new things. I am actually starting college classes before I even graduate!
Now, if you're wondering how this is possible, the simplest way for me to explain is that I am homeschooled. So, I will be able to take classes and get acclimated to my college campus before I officially start in August. I have signed up to take three classes over the course of the summer. They are only four week classes that meet twice a week. The summer "semester" is broken up into two sessions. For the first session, I'm taking an effective speaking class. I'm super excited for this one because it's my first official college class. And the advisor that I've been working with is actually going to be teaching that class, so I'l have a familiar face to look forward to.
In the second summer session, I'm taking a writing course and a math course. I've decided to take these courses to get them out of the way. Math is not really my forte so, I figured that I would take it while Math was still fresh in my head and then not have to worry about it for the rest of my college career. Those two classes are the same way. They each meet twice a week (on different days) for about three and a half hours.
As for the fall, I'm going to be a full-time commuter. The college that I've chosen has a satellite facility about 15 minutes away from my house, and that's where I'm going to be studying. I'm scheduled for thirteen credits (that's about five classes) and have Fridays off. :) I'm really looking forward to having three day weekends.
As for the classes that I'm going to take? Well, I've decided to be an Education major (later on in my career, I also want to major in Early Childhood Development and minor in business and psychology), so I have two education based classes that I'm going to take, as well as an Ethics course and a Philosophy course. I also have to take "Freshman Experience", but that's only one credit.
I'm also going into my college career with three credits from a dual-enrollment Psychology course that I am currently, as a High School student, taking. So, by the time my first semester is over, I will have 25 credits towards my major. Wow, I hadn't realized that.
Anyway, my ultimate goal with my life is to start a Montesouri School in my town. But, that's a way down the road. What are your plans, if you're going into college? Or, if you are in college, what are you majoring in? Do you have any advice for an incoming freshman? What's the best part about a small campus? Let me know in the comments below.
I hope you enjoyed this post, and wish you luck as we continue on into the end of the Bout of Books Read a Thon.
I hope everyone has an amazing day!
Type at you later!
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