Thursday, March 5, 2015

[Enter Clever Blog Post Title Here]

So, I have no idea what to title this post, so this is what I've left it at. :)

Hi all!

I guess this is sort of an update post. I wanted to squeeze a second one in this week, but I don't know if I'll have time this weekend.

So, if y'all don't know, I will be starting college in the Summer. I want to start in the summer session so I can get used to being in the environment with not a lot of people there. Also, I've been homeschooled for most of High School, so I want to get back into the swing of being in a school building. I know college is going to be a lot different than High School, but I want to get a feel for it.

I wanted to put that out there because I don't know if that means my reading rate will slow down or not. I am currently 5 books ahead of schedule on my GoodReads challenge, so I feel good in that. But I'm not going to be changing my goal until I get to about 45 books and see where I am in the year. I will be counting any books, aside from textbooks, that I read for my college classes toward my reading goal.

I'm also thinking about posting some college life posts on here as well.

As I'm still in High School for about another three months (wow, that went fast!), we shall see!

Type at you later!


Also, I have no idea what's up with the text in my last post. I've tried to fix it, to no avail. :(

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