Sunday, January 25, 2015

Reading Goals for 2015

I know this is extremely late, but I thought I would share my Reading Goals for 2015 with you anyway!

1. Read 10 adult books

This is something that has scared me for a while. I'm not one for eroticness, and I thought all adult books had graphic sex scenes in them. But, I've learned that if I choose carefully, I can avoid this as much as possible. (As of today, I've read 1 adult book.)

2. Read at least one book with more than 500 pages

This is actually quite easy for me to accomplish, as most of my books have 300 to 500 pages in them. As I am typing this, I have completed this goal already! But I'm sure I will read several other large books (Game of Thrones is one of those huge books at the top of my list!).

3. Read a book written by someone under 30

I've probably read books like this unknowingly, but I would like to read a book written by someone close to my own age. A few years ago, there was a girl at my local high school that published a novel. That is my TBR for this challenge!

4. Read a book set in a different country

I really want to read a book set in all of the continents if I can get my hands on them. I want to be more aware of reading diversely. As of now, I've read a book set in Italy!

5. Read a book based on a true story

I really want to read Orange is the New Black because I am in love with the show. But, I also want to read a fictional work based on a true story. Any suggestions?

6. Read a graphic novel

I've realized that graphic novels became really popular this past year and I want to jump onto that band wagon and see what's so good about them!

7. Read 5 classics

If you know me, you know that I am not fond of classics. I don't know if it's the ones we've been forced to read at school that has lead to that or while I was in a giant reading slump that was what we were reading at school. But now, I want to see if I can read some good ones of my own accord.

8. Read an e-Book each month

I'm already failing at this one. There's six days left in January and I haven't read an e-Book this month. But, to make up for that, maybe I'll read two in February. Or, I might even squeeze one in. Who knows. My reasoning for this is because I really enjoy physical books, but I want to read the books that I've bought on my e-Reader that I've neglected.

9. Project TBR

I have sworn off buying books this year and have decided to participate in project TBR. I have around 150 books on my shelves that I have not read that I must read before I buy new ones. I'm not participating in #0by16 because I have so many  books that I don't think that I can complete it. I'd rather set a goal that I can actually see myself achieving. Thus, my GoodReads challenge is set at 50 books, but I can change that later in the year if I need to.

10. Read 50 Books

I've only recently come out of a hugenormous reading slump. I'm planning on doing a YouTube video about it on my YouTube channel in the future, but for now here's just a brief bit about why my goal is set at 50. I went almost 2 full years without reading anything but required reading for school. But in May of last year, I began to read again. I managed to read 50 books last year and I know I can surpass that goal this year, but I wanted to set a number I could surpass and then eventually change that number.

Well, that's about it for me for today! I will have January book reviews up possibly tomorrow or the next day. I'll talk to you soon!

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