This is the story of Eveny, a barely seventeen year old girl who grew up in New York after her mother was killed in their hometown. Her aunt suddenly decides to pack up and move back to their hometown, a gated community known as Carrefor, in Louisiana. We learn that Eveny is a Queen of an ancient form of magic known as Zandra. Eveny must cope with being a High School Student in a new town, being a Queen of magic, and just being a teenager in general. We meet the two other Queens of Zandra who, we learn, will help Eveny come into her powers and the three of them will be nearly unstoppable if their magic was used together.
Funny, witty, and fast-paced, The Dolls will leave you wanting more (and there will be! :D) and I for one was surprised at who our "bad guy" was when we learned this at the end of the story. I gave The Dolls four out of five stars.
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